Expert Search & Executive Search

We search for suitable specialists, managers and talents for your company

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It's a match - Professionals and managers in the healthcare sector

The healthcare industry and the job market in general are changing and you need to respond to this. Among other things, this brings with it new, diverse requirements for candidates. Conversely, candidates are also becoming increasingly demanding in their choice of employer as the shortage of skilled workers intensifies. Finding suitable candidates for vacancies who are not only professionally competent, but whose values and views also harmonize with those of the company, can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Thanks to our decades of expertise and an extensive talent pool, we are able to bring people and companies together in a targeted manner.

Our fields of activity

As recruitment consultants, we specialize in two main areas: expert search and executive search. Both fields of activity require an experienced approach in personnel consulting.

Executive Search

Executive search is the supreme discipline of Xelentis. With great sensitivity and sound consulting expertise, we find C-level executives, vice presidents, directors or division and department heads for your company. Appointments at the top management level in particular have a significant influence on corporate culture and require careful selection. We use hidden search to maintain discretion, first-class industry networks for the right talent and offer recommendations for assessment centers and aptitude diagnostics. We place the highest value on discretion and confidentiality throughout the search process.

Expert Search

In expert search, we focus on finding candidates for specialist jobs in all areas of a company in our sectors. The search for highly specialized experts in particular is becoming increasingly difficult due to the shortage of skilled workers. It is therefore important to use our own networks to gain access to companies and find out where the experts you need are based. This is where we use our job portal to draw attention to the position combined with direct search with very detailed profiles.

When searching for specialists and managers, your Xelentis personnel consultants draw on their many years of experience in the industry to identify experts and managers who not only have the necessary specialist knowledge, but are also personally convincing and fit in with the company’s corporate culture.

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